Upcoming events
9am Holy Communion
4th Sunday in Advent
Leading, preaching and presiding: James Hughesdon
Readings: Luke 1: 39-45; Micah 5: 2-5a
11am Morning Worship
4th Sunday in Advent
Leading: Sophie Castell
Preaching: Mike Bartholomew-Biggs
Readings: Luke 1: 39-45; Micah 5: 2-5a
Children's and family service on Christmas Eve at St Mary's
Join us for a short Christmas Eve service focused on families and children at 4pm. We will look at the Christmas story whilst singing our favourite carols.
Leading: James Hughesdon
Holy Communion on Christmas Eve at St Mary's
When the streets begin to fall silent, the buses stop running and London is almost still, join us to worship in the first communion of Christmas. From 11pm on Christmas Eve until just after midnight on Christmas Day.
Celebrate a saviour born to bring hope and peace.
Christmas Day Holy Communion at St Mary's
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Josh Richards
Readings: TBC
11am Holy Communion
1st Sunday of Christmas
Leading, preaching and presiding: James Hughesdon
Readings: TBC
11am Holy Communion
Leading and presiding: Josh Richards
Preaching: Ian Mylam
Readings: Matt 2: 1-12; Isaiah 60: 1-6
9am BCP Holy Communion
1st Sunday of Epiphany - the Baptism of Christ
Leading: Josh Richards
Preaching: Mike Bartholomew-Biggs
Presiding: TBC
Readings: Romans 12:1-5, Luke 2:41-end
11am Morning Worship with Baptism
1st Sunday of Epiphany - the Baptism of Christ
Leading and presiding at Baptism: Josh Richards
Preaching: Josh Richards
Readings: Luke 3: 15-22; Acts 8: 14-17
9am Morning Worship
2nd Sunday of Epiphany
Leading the service: Catherine Lemmon
Preaching: Sophie Castell
Readings: TBC
11am Holy Communion
2nd Sunday of Epiphany
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Sophie Castell
Readings: John 2: 1-11; 1 Cor 12: 1-11
9am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of Epiphany
Leading: Josh Richards
Preaching: James Hughesdon
Presiding: TBC
Readings: TBC
11am Morning Worship
3rd Sunday of Epiphany
Leading: Sophie Castell
Preaching: James Hughesdon
Readings: Matt 19: 27-30; Acts 9: 1-22
Free Friday Lunchtime Recital: A Cello Recital with works by Schumann, Fauré, and Schostakovich
Our twelfth free concert will take place on Friday 20 December: A Cello Recital with works by Schumann, Fauré, and Schostakovich.
Come and be delighted by high quality classical performances in our beautiful church. The concerts take place on the third Friday of every month at 1.15pm with free hot drinks and cake served from 12.45pm.
The concerts are free and you do not need a ticket.
Carols on the steps of St Mary's
Our choir and musical director will lead us as we sing some of our favourite carols on the steps of St Mary’s. Warming refreshments will be served.
Carols by Candlelight at 7pm
Everyone is given a candle as they enter the church and at the beginning of the service the church falls into darkness, except for hundreds of tiny flames all around.
Carols by Candlelight at 4.30pm
Everyone is given a candle as they enter the church and at the beginning of the service the church falls into darkness, except for hundreds of tiny flames around the church.
11am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday in Advent
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Ian Mylam
Readings: Luke 3:7-18; Zephaniah 3:14-20
Big Family Carols
We'll be singing the best-loved carols at our Big Family Carol service.
Leading: Josh Richards
Monthly prayer meeting
Our monthly prayer meeting takes place on the second Sunday of every month 10.15-10.45am in the prayer chapel.
Join us as we pray for the church and the world.
9am Morning Worship
1st Sunday in Advent
Leading the service: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Sophie Castell
Readings: Luke 21: 25-36; Jeremiah 33: 14-16
11am Morning Worship with Baptism
Christ the King Sunday before Advent
Leading and presiding at Baptism: Josh Richards
Preaching: James Hughesdon
Readings: John 18:33-37; Revelation 1:4b-8
St Mary’s Church Gardens group
St Mary’s Church Gardens Group: Saturday 23 November 10am - noon. Come and join us to dig, weed and plant at the circular rose garden. Please bring stout shoes and gardening gloves if you have them. All are very welcome.
Care for creation film night: The End We Start From
Care for Creation film night: Free showing of The End We Start From at St Mary’s.
Evening Taizé service
An evening service of meditation and chant in the tradition of Taizé.
Please do come, you are very welcome.
Leading: Sophie Castell
11am Holy Communion
2nd Sunday before Advent
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Josh Richards
Readings: Mark 13:1-8; Daniel 12:1-3
Free Friday Lunchtime Recital: Dialogo
Our eleventh free concert will take place on Friday 15 November: Dialogo with Nathanael Horton on cello and Chloé Dumoulin on piano.
Come and be delighted by high quality classical performances in our beautiful church. The concerts take place on the third Friday of every month at 1.15pm with free hot drinks and cake served from 12.45pm.
The concerts are free and you do not need a ticket.
10:50am Morning Worship
3rd Sunday before Advent
Leading: Josh Richards
Preaching: Ian Mylam
Readings: Mark 1:14-20; Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Monthly prayer meeting
Our monthly prayer meeting takes place on the second Sunday of every month 10.15-10.45am in the prayer chapel.
Join us as we pray for the church and the world.
9am BCP Holy Communion
Leading: Josh Richards and Madhush Mathews
Preaching and presiding: Josh Richards
Readings: Colossians 1.3-12; St. Matthew 9.18-26
Service of Remembering
We will remember those who have died this past year or in years past; whether we are recently or lately bereaved.
11am Holy Communion
All Saints' Day
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Mike Bartholomew Biggs
Readings: John 11:32-44; Revelation 21:1-6a
9am Morning Worship
All Saints' Day
Leading the service: TBC
Preaching: Mike Bartholomew-Biggs
Readings: John 11:32-44; Revelation 21:1-6a
St Mary's Autumn Walk to Ivinghoe Beacon
St Mary’s Autumn walk following the Ridgeway to Ivinghoe Beacon.
An 10 mile walk to take in the late autumn colours.
Bible Study drop-in
Our midweek group focuses on discussion of the Bible, prayer and fellowship.
9am Holy Communion
22nd Sunday after Trinity
Leading, preaching and presiding: Josh Richards
Readings: Mark 10:46-end; Job 42:1-6, 10-end
St Mary’s Church Gardens group
St Mary’s Church Gardens Group: Saturday 26 October 10am - noon. Come and join us to dig, weed and plant at the circular rose garden. Please bring stout shoes and gardening gloves if you have them. All are very welcome.
Bible Study drop-in
Our midweek group focuses on discussion of the Bible, prayer and fellowship.
Evening Taizé service
An evening service of meditation and chant in the tradition of Taizé.
Please do come, you are very welcome.
Leading: Ian Mylam
St Mary’s Bulb Sunday
Join us after the 11am service on Sunday 20 October to plant hundreds of spring bulbs in our gardens. Caring for creation matters to us as a church and we want people to encounter God through the beauty of our churchyard.
11am Holy Communion
21st Sunday after Trinity
Leading and presiding: Josh Richards
Preaching: James Hughesdon
Readings: Mark 10:35-45; Job 38:1-7