St Mary’s Festival: family fun day

Thank you to everyone who came along to our family fun day at St Mary's on Saturday 16 September including #mayorofislington who opened our festival. Children from the St Mary’s youth church choir sang two songs for the crowd before the festivities kicked off.

We welcomed over 1300 people who bounced, had their faces painted, crafted, took part in the treasure hunt in and around the church, played table tennis and giant Jenga with Mary’s Youth Club, made puppets with The Little Angel Theatre and danced and sang with Monkey Music. Everyone enjoyed a free afternoon tea with endless cups of tea, coffee and squash.

Rev James Hughesdon said: “It was a joy to welcome so many of our friends and neighbours to this year’s family fun day. The annual, free St Mary’s festival is our opportunity to give something back to Islington and there are still 15 events for people to attend over the next few weeks including a film night, climate change debate, historical walks, guided tower tours, quiz night and a night at the opera. Do come along, you are very welcome.”

For more information head over to our festival page for more information about the free events.


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