How to Apply
Before you apply we recommend that you come and visit us to find out if we are the best fit for your child’s needs.
To make an appointment to visit, contact us via email childrensbookings@stmaryislington.org or call 0207 704 2873.
If you decide to apply for a place you will need to register on our bookings database and supply us with the necessary information for us to allocate a place for your child. Following registration, we will get in touch to discuss the availability of places and starting dates.
We aim to offer places for requested sessions but cannot guarantee matching the request with an offer. To allocate places for future term vacancies we operate with application deadlines. The applications received by the deadline for future term vacancies will be assessed against our admissions criteria and places will be offered after the relevant deadline.
Future term deadline are detailed below:
Autumn term (September to December) applications need to be submitted by 30 April 2024
Spring term (January –April) applications need to be submitted by 15 September 2024
Summer term (April – July) applications need to be submitted by 15 January 2025
Vacant places for future terms will be allocated by applying our admissions criteria. Late applications for future terms may still be considered in the event of remaining vacancies and will be allocated according to the admissions criteria.
Help with Costs
Have you applied for your two-year-old funding from the government? You do not have to be working to apply for this.
Have you applied for your free 30 hours three-year-old funding from the government? If not please click on this link. All parent adults within the household would have to be working a minimum of 16 hours per week to qualify for this. You will receive a code which you will then need to give to us to verify you are eligible to have a place at our setting. Further information about free childcare is on the Islington website.
If you would like to talk to a member of our team for further help please call us on 020 7704 1895 or e-mail childrensbookings@stmaryislington.org.
There is a range of schemes available to help parents with childcare costs, which support parents to take up training and employment and enable children to experience an enriching childcare environment. Numerous studies and local evidence show that high-quality childcare and early education support children’s development and prepares them to thrive at school and in later life.
Bright Start Islington - Free early learning and childcare is increasing. Find out more information on this leaflet
Costs outside of free entitlement
Two year olds = £11 per hour
Three to five year olds = £10 per hour
Ad hoc / late bookings = £10 per hour
Session times
Full seven hour day: 9am to 4pm
Full six hour day: 9am to 3pm (only for 30 hours free eligible three to four year olds)
Three hour morning session: 9am to 12 noon
Four hour morning session: 1am to 1pm (limited places)
Three hour afternoon session: 1pm to 4pm
The minimum weekly booking is 15 hours.
We take ad-hock extra session bookings in addition to regular bookings subject to availability. These are charged at £10/hr.
There is an additional charge of 2 hours per week if you want your child to have their 15hrs over 2 days as this equates to 17hrs rather than 15hrs which may be considered under special circumstances.
Once you are registered with us, you can book sessions and extra hours using our booking system, accessed by contacting the preschool team via WhatsApp group 07935399872 or calling 02077042873