Mission Partners
We work with our Mission Partners, learning from each other how to serve others and share God's love for all.
St Mary’s is delighted to have identified three charities to support over the next three years.
Tree Aid works with people in the drylands of Africa. Led by local people, they take a holistic approach focusing on four key areas, to tackle poverty and the effects of the climate crisis by growing trees, improving incomes, and restoring and protecting land.
Choices Charity cares for people through the dilemma of a pregnancy crisis and beyond.
Angola London Mozambique Association (ALMA) is the Diocese of London's Companion link with the Anglican Church in Angola and Mozambique, and part of the network of Companion Link Dioceses throughout the Anglican Communion.
St Mary's Primary School
St Mary's Primary offers local children a fabulous education.
The single-form entry means that children quickly get to know each other and we see them thriving in a supportive and caring school. Links between the church and the school are strong.
Our Vicar and other church members work as school governors. Our clergy and Youth Minister visit every week, making a substantial investment in young lives. Volunteers listen to children read. School assemblies on Thursdays are taken by clergy and the children regularly visit St Mary’s church.
Diocese of London
The Diocese of London Common Fund allows the Church of England to put a vicar in nearly every London parish. The Common Fund is about every parish seeing itself as part of the big picture and giving generously and sacrificially.
At St Mary's, we contribute more than "our share" because we feel it's important to help parishes in poorer areas of the capital. It's one of the practical ways that we express our belonging to the bigger Church.