Children with SEND
St Mary’s preschool welcomes families and children with different needs and varied abilities.
Inclusive practice is core to everything we do in the preschool. Our SEND policy gives much more detail on how we do this, but it is important to know that we work closely with services within Islington borough with a multi-agency approach.
We understand that every child is unique and we work to ensure that all the children in our care learn to recognise and celebrate the differences and potential in each other. All our children are given equal access to resources.
We use a graduated approach to assess and respond to children’s special educational needs. We ensure that you as parents are informed at all stages of the assessment, planning, provision and review and will liaise with other professionals involved with your child, including transfer arrangements to other settings and schools. If you have any concerns regarding your child's development, please speak to your child’s key person.
Ofsted's comments on our SEND practice at our last inspection on 2nd Nov 2017: ‘Systems for tracking children’s progress are used well to identify children’s stages of development and to highlight their learning’ ‘Staff take swift action to seek appropriate intervention and support’
The following poster will support you in knowing how to gain further information and who to speak to within the preschool about your child's needs. Click here
Based on a recent consultation the government have produced a white paper review showing a positive way forward in what support you can expect from schools and other childcare establishments such as St Mary' preschool. please take a look. SEND Review Summary document