Pastoral Support and Prayer
Praying at St Mary’s Church
Daily Prayer Meeting
St Mary’s Church is open for private prayer and reflection everyday from approximately 10am - 4.30pm.
Everyone is very welcome. We ask that you are respectful of other people who may be praying in the church.
Prayer Resources
Monthly Prayer Meeting
We host Morning Prayer at St Mary's Church Monday - Friday at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome to join for half an hour of guided prayer.
Our monthly prayer meeting takes place on the second Sunday of every month, 10.15 - 10.45am in the Prayer Chapel. The next few dates are 12 January, 9 February and 9 March. Join us as we pray for the church and the world.
Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional app that helps you pray the Bible every day. Download it here.
You can download the Church of England’s free Daily Prayer App help you follow Morning, Evening and Night Prayer, wherever you are.
Pray as you go provides daily prayer whenever you need it.