Upcoming events

9am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of Lent
Leading, preaching and presiding: James Hughesdon
Readings: Luke 13:1-9; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

9am Holy Communion
Sunday before Lent
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Josh Richards
Readings: Luke 9:28-43a; 2 Corinthians 3:12-42

9am Holy Communion
2nd Sunday before Lent
Leading: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Ian Mylam
Readings: Luke 8:22-25; Revelation 4

9am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of Epiphany
Leading: Josh Richards
Preaching: James Hughesdon
Readings: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a; Luke 4:14-21

9am Holy Communion
4th Sunday in Advent
Leading, preaching and presiding: James Hughesdon
Readings: Luke 1: 39-45; Micah 5: 2-5a

9am Holy Communion
17th Sunday after Trinity
Leading, preaching and presiding: James Hughesdon
Readings: Ezekiel 43:1-12; Mark 9:30-37

9am Holy Communion
9th Sunday after Trinity
Leading, preaching and presiding: Josh Richards
Readings: John 6:1-21; Ephesians 3:14-end

9am Holy Communion
Trinity Sunday
Leading and presiding: Josh Richards
Preaching: Sophie Castell
Readings: John 3:1-17; Romans 8:12-17

9am Holy Communion
5th Sunday after Easter
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: James Hughesdon
Readings: John 15:1-8; Acts 8:26-end

9am Holy Communion
Palm Sunday
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: James Hughesdon
Readings: Mark 11:1-11; Psalm 118: 19-end

9am Holy Communion
2nd Sunday of Lent
Leading and presiding: Josh Richards
Preaching: Freya Bradley
Readings: Mark 8:31-38; Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16

9am Holy Communion
4th Sunday of Epiphany
Leading and presiding: Josh Richards
Preaching: Freya Bradley
Readings: John 3:22-30: 1 John 2:1-8

9am Holy Communion
Christ the King, the Sunday before Advent
Leading and presiding: Freya Bradley
Preaching: James Hughesdon
Readings: Matthew 25:31-end; Ephesians 1:15-end

9am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday after Trinity
Leading and presiding: James Hughesdon
Preaching: Ian Mylam
Readings: Romans 6:1b-11; Matthew 10:24-39

9am Holy Communion
Leading and presiding: Caroline Shuttleworth
Preaching: Josh Richards
Readings: Acts 2:1-21; 1 Corinthians 12: 3b-13