Creative Lent Project: ‘A Beautiful Thing’

You are invited to prayerfully and creatively reflect on the story of the woman anointing Jesus in Mark 14:1-11. In 14:6 Jesus says of the woman that: "she has done a beautiful thing to me".

Your response can be in any medium — poetry, music, sculpture, painting, photography, drawing, textiles, collage, beading — anything you can imagine!

  • Visual arts: painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, photography

  • Literary expressions: poetry, storytelling, reflections

  • Music and sound: original compositions, hymns, instrumental pieces

  • Textile and craftwork: embroidery, beading, weaving, mixed media

We will primarily be using Mark's narrative but you might also want to reflect on similar narratives in Matthew 26:6-13, John 12:1-11 and Luke 7:36-50.

This project is open to all ages and abilities, offering a shared opportunity to deepen our Lenten journey through artistic reflection.

All submissions should be suitable for general viewing by all ages. 

On 20 March and 10 April we will be holding workshop evenings which will provide a space for people to bring along any work in progress for the project; for us to give one another feedback and to think about how we might take our ideas further. These will take place from 7 - 8 pm, in the Community Room on 20 March, and in Crypt Room 1 on 7 April.

We will enjoy one another’s work at a special exhibition on Palm Sunday, 13 April, at St Mary’s from 3-5pm.


St Mary's Weekly Eco Tip: Recycling Clothes


St Mary’s Vision and Strategy 2025: