Eco Church news update
Bulb Sunday volunteers hard at work.
Read on to find out about the next steps we are taking as a church on our eco church journey. Plus, thanks from our clergy following our recent celebration of Bulb Sunday.
Next steps on our eco church journey
St Mary’s recently reached a milestone on our journey as an eco church when we submitted our completed application to become an A Rocha UK Gold Eco Church. Our application to become a Gold eco church builds on our Silver award and requires us to demonstrate that creation care is embedded in the life of a church for the long term. This is part of our mission strategy to become a regional leader in care for creation and eco-justice. Many thanks to our eco church and everyone involved in getting us to this stage.
Joy and gardening on Bulb Sunday
On Sunday 20 October after our 11am service a team of volunteer gardeners got to work planting spring bulbs and celebrating bulb Sunday. Rev James Hughesdon thanks everyone who took part, saying:
“Despite the odd bit of rain our wonderful team of church members successfully planted over 1000 spring bulbs at the east end of the church. All ages took part and everyone mucked in to plant the bulbs in record time. Thank you to everyone who helped and we look forward to the flowers blooming in the spring.”
Caring for creation matters to us as a church and we want people to encounter God through the beauty of our churchyard. You can get involved by joining St Mary’s Gardens Group. Upcoming sessions are detailed on our eco church page.