Bulb Sunday 2024
Bulb Sunday is this Sunday at St Mary's.
Join us after the 11am service on Sunday 20 October to plant over 1000 spring bulbs in our east gardens.
Come to church in your wellies, bring gardening gloves and trowels (if you have them) and together we'll plant bulbs for a show of spring flowers. Everyone is welcome.
Eco tip: Eco lifestyle audit
Doing an online eco lifestyle audit will help you identify the areas of your life where you can make positive eco changes.
Eco tip: Travel sustainably
Traveling more sustainably could reduce your carbon footprint.
Eco tip: Spreading the message
When you've learned a bit about climate change, spread that knowledge.
Eco tip: Recycling and repairing
Find out how to repair household goods to give them a longer lifespan.
Eco tip: The food you eat
Find out how reducing the amount of meat you eat can help the environment.
Eco tip: Food waste
Find out about useful apps and websites to help you reduce food waste.
Eco tip: save water
Save water: find out how to care for creation by reducing your water use.
Earth Overshoot Day 2023
Wednesday, August 2, will be this year’s Earth Overshoot Day. That is the day when humanity’s demand for natural resources and services exceeds what Earth can regenerate in the whole of this year.
Food Action Waste Week 2023
This week is 'Food Action Waste' week and the theme is 'Win. Don't Bin'. It will demonstrate how valuable food is in our lives, how it unites people and how using up everything we buy saves money, time and the planet.